Shop by Brand: Reckeen
For more than 25 years Reckeen have been developing advanced solutions for top-notch video production and streaming. Our customers are both TV broadcasters and producers, AV manufacturers and individual consumers making video content for their own needs. Our projects always combine simplicity and ease of use with a professional result.
Reckeen 3D Studio HDMI REC-3D-HDMI-022
Reckeen 3D Studio HDMI REC-3D-HDMI-022 enables you to produce professional TV programs in real-time...
Reckeen 3D Studio SDI REC-3D-SDI-039
Reckeen 3D Studio HDMI REC-3D-SDI-039 enables you to produce professional TV programs in real-time. ..
Reckeen ADB100 REC-ADB100-114
Reckeen ADB100 REC-ADB100-114 is a Audio Digital Box is an external device connected via LAN. Allows..
Reckeen LITE HDMI REC-LITE-HDMI-008 has been created as a technology that combines the quality of hi..
Reckeen LITE SDI REC-LITE-SDI-015 combines the quality of high-budget solutions with the ease of use..
Reckeen VKey100
Reckeen VKey100 REC-VKEY100-060 can control over multiple functions of the Reckeen 3D or LITE Studio..